Thursday, April 14, 2016

My slide writing

Biking down a hill
By Kieron Mckay
Chapter 1
Going down Te Mata Peak
Driving to Te Mata Peak in my mum’s car, I was  nervous because I have not done,this is a big hill mrs ramsey and mrs hill,before in my life, and my sister and my mum are going to wait at the bottom while  I bike down the hill when I race down the hill.So they they don’t need to drive down. I jumped out of the car we are just getting ready to  go down Te Mata Peak, to get in my biking gear.My mum packed food and my drink for me 10 minits before I do it.My mum is getting my bike slowly of the grey and red bike rack.My bike looks like this:I bmx,grey,red and black bmx bike.This is going to be scary but I am going to do it.But mum can we do it tomorrow and ly to dad.”ok “ said mum.10 more hours until I have to do the big big challenged and i am nervous  because lots of people are going to be watching me bike down Te Mata Peak.I wonder if anybody has done it before.But I know somebody how (who) has a famouse biker from the tour of France.9 hours left till  doing to (the) bike down the Te Mata peak.
Chapter 2
Biking down Te Mata Peak
Today is the day for me to do the big extreme ride down Te Mata peak.Just 4 hours  until doing it.I don’t want to today but I have today because everyone in Havelock  North.Time to do it but we are 1 hour late and everyone has left and coming back tomorrow.Yes I can do it when know one is here it is a big mountain Te Mata Peak I am afraid that I am going to break a leg and  a arm and neck.But I am doing it now.Halfway down the hill  1 meter lift until I have done it,I have down it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 3
Going to the doctors
Now I can do my autographs to people but first I need to cheek with the doctor if I have a broken bone.Mum and I are driving to the doctors but  I felt something on my arm and it rely hurts.I think I do have a broken bone.I have never had a broken bone before in my life I need to tell My mum  and the doctor,This was dangerous oh  my leg hurts I think I broke it to when I fell over at the end of the race at Te Mata Peak.This is bad mum I broke my leg and I broke my arm.WE are at the hospital yes so they can put the cust (cast) on my leg and arm.It might take 1 year until  it is better.
Chapter 4
I will get better
Just waiting 364 days left before I can bike down Te mata Peak,But it has been 1 day since I  broke my arm and leg so it is going to be a long wait. Trembling with fear I wait in hospital  for the doctors to put the cast on. Will I be able to get out of here so I  can ride my bike again?

This is my writing about me biking down Te Mata Peak and it is a pretend story and Te Mata Peak is in Hawkes Bay in New Zealand.
Chapter 1 is about me getting ready to bike down Te Mata Peak.At the end of the chapter I said to my mum that I want to do it tomorrow.
On the second line of my writing there are my teachers Mrs H and Mrs Ramsay and they are here to support me biking down Te Mata Peak.

My writing goal is to add detail and punctuation.Punctuation is important because it tells the reader how to read my writing,it is tricky for me to put the explanation marks and speech marks.I did part where I did a good job is doing my capital letters and you yose(use) them for names and places.

I am proud of my writing because I put lot's of detail in my writing.
The most challenge part was putting lot's of detail in my writing.

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